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Tyatya Volcano
Tyatya Volcano is located in the north-east of Kunashir Island, its height reaches 1819 m (the highest volcano of the island) and it's in the territory of the nature reserve.
Golovnin Caldera (Goryachee and Kipyaschee Lakes)
Inside Golovnin Caldera (541 m) there are two unique volcanic lakes: Goryachee, the deepest lake on the island (more than 60 m deep) and Kipyashchee, a thermal lake (more than 16 m deep). They are in the territory of the nature reserve.
Cape Stolbchaty
An unimaginable combination of beauty, grandeur and inspiration. Consists of andesite-dacite volcanic rocks. The whole breed consists of hexagonal and pentahedral regular posts, in some places the height of which reaches 50 meters.

This is a unique geological object located — a diverse collection of volcanic structures formed as a result of the extrusion of viscous lava, followed by solidification. The pillars are four-, five- and hexagonal stone prisms, the diameter of which reaches 0.5 m. There are parts: Organ, Bastion, Mostovaya, Cherepakha and others.
The cape juts out far into the sea, and even at a considerable distance, the columnar separation of rocks is clearly visible on it. Separate original extrusive bodies, including those with columnar jointing, are not uncommon on the Kuril Islands, but at Cape Stolbchaty they are found in all their diversity in a limited area. Protective zone of the reserve.
Currently, it is not a UNESCO site, despite the fact that it is deservedly considered as such, and this is mentioned in many publications.
Stolbovskaya trail
Along Stolbovskaya trail you can see a unique old-growth forest that found the ancient inhabitants of Kunashir, the Ainu, giant trees that cannot be grasped alone, dense thickets of bamboo and grasses taller than human growth.

  • Officially, this route got the status of a trail in 2001, when information stands were made by the Department of Environmental Education and Ecotourism of the nature reserve for the allocated financial funds, a map was prepared and the first booklet about the trail was published. The plaques were installed by both the staff of the reserve and local residents, primarily senior school students and teachers of the education center in Yuzhno-Kurilsk.

    In addition to the fact that this route is an ecological path for tourists, test plots of the official phenological route of the scientific department of the reserve were laid and are functioning here. Data on this route (phenology, botany) have been collected annually in Nature Chronicles since 1991. It is in the protective zone of the nature reserve.
    Blizky Island

    An uninhabited island. A stony low island, a favorite rookery of seals (Phoca largha). There is one of the largest herds in Kunashir. It's in the territory of the nature reserve.
    Zolotaya River

    It was named so (Zolotaya means Golden in Russian) because along the sides of the river valley there were mountain adits, where the Japanese mined gold from quartz veins. The Zolotaya River, it does not look like other river valleys on the island, possibly due to the mineralization of the water. Here is its own special world of plants and animals, which very few people get to see. It's in the protective zone of the nature reserve.
    Peschanoe Lake (the Sea of Okhotsk shore)

    Peschanoe Lake is of a lagoon origin; it is the largest freshwater reservoir in terms of area of the entire Kurils. In good weather, a panorama of the Shiretoko Peninsula of Hokkaido Island (Japan) opens from the Sernovodsky Isthmus. It's in the territory of the nature reserve.
  • Rogacheva Cape and Rogacheva Island
    Cape Rogachev is located opposite the "bird island" Rogachev, a nesting place for seabirds (axes, rhinos puffins, spectacled guillemots, cormorants, seagulls). Columnar units of Cape Rogachev and nearby Cape Gemmerling resemble the structures of Cape Stolbchaty, but are more monumental.

    Rogachev Island is a small rocky land area located in the ocean 350 m from the eastern coast of Kunashir Island. Its area with adjacent rocks is just over 2 hectares. Despite its small size, the island is home to one of the largest puffin-rhinoceros colonies in the South Kurils, where are from 17 to 30 thousand pairs.
    Cape Rogacheva
    Photo credit: O. Vasik
    Spawning Rivers of Northern Kunashir: The Tyatina and Saratovka Rivers
    The Tyatina River is the largest river on the island, which got its name from the neighboring Tyatya Volcano. The Ains called it Onnebetsu, which means "old river". The border of the nature reserve runs along the Saratovka River. The largest natural spawning grounds for Kunashir salmon are located on these rivers.

    A large piebald kingfisher nests on the banks of the Tyatina River. In the river valleys there are nests of the fish owl. During spawning, numerous groups of bears and other animals and birds gather in the river valleys. It’s in the territory of the nature reserve.
  • The Golovnin Cliff
    Golovnin wall or the Golovnin cliff stretches from Cape Puzanov to the mouth of the river Belozerka on Kunashir Island. The giant outcrops of this unique landform capture the main stages of the activity of Golovnin Volcano and climatic events over the past 2 million years.

    The structure of the deposits of the Golovnin cliff is very complex: the ashes of ancient volcanic eruptions alternate with strata of marine deposits and include peatlands of different ages. Peat bogs have been accumulating for centuries under various landscape and climatic conditions. It’s in the protective zone of the reserve.
    Shikotan Mountain
    It's the highest point of Shikotan Island (405 m), an extinct volcano. From here views of the neighboring islands open in good weather, and a deep rift is clearly visible, formed during the memorable catastrophic earthquake on 5 September 1994. At the top of the mountain are the remains of buildings located in a circle, reminiscent of Stonehenge, attractive to tourists and photographers.
  • It should be noted that it is on Shikotan Mountain (near Malokurilskoye) and Mount Otradnaya (near Krabozavodskoye), in the northeastern part of Shikotan, according to botanists' research, that there are the main habitats of a number of rare species and narrow-localized Kuril endemics.
    Here, at altitudes that are record low for such flora (250−350 m), one can observe analogs of alpine meadows from the so-called "lowered alpines", which include endemics with a narrow habitat and species included in the Red Data Books of the Russian Federation and the Sakhalin Region, such as Kuril edelweiss, Tarao lumbago, Sargent juniper and others.
    Cape Edge of the World
    A landmark object is a cape of Shikotan Island, the easternmost point of the island, overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Nearby on Cape Crab there is a 30-meter active Japanese-built lighthouse.

    Magnificent views of the island of Shikotan and the endless expanses of the Pacific Ocean open up as you go upstairs. Under the coastal cliffs in this area there is a seal herd (Phoca vitulina stejnegeri, the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation) and nesting places for seabirds.
    Snezhkova Bay

    A beautiful coastline. Rocky cliffs and numerous coves. A country road leads to the bay, and then there is a footpath.
    Tserkovnaya Bay

    There are two picturesque islands in the bay: Aivazovsky Island and Ninth Wave Island, which is a place of bird colonies. The most picturesque coniferous and mixed forests grow along the coasts of the bay. A country road leads to the bay, then there is a path.
    Dolphin Bay

    The cove is located in the southwest of the island and juts out 2,4 miles into the coast. However, at the entrance to it there are dangerous stones blocking access. Therefore, the Dolphin Bay is not used for ships. The bay was named after the ship Dolphin, on which in 1912 explorations of the northern coast of the Sea of Okhotsk, the Tatar Strait and the Nagaev Bay traveled. Rich wetlands are a stopover for birds. Here you can see Cygnus cygnus during the winter, and Grus japonensis in spring and summer.
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