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Territory of Kurilsky Nature Reserve
Kurilsky Nature Reserve is situated in the southern part of the Kuril Islands in Yuzhno-Kurilsk District of Sakhalin Region. The nature reserve is located between 43ºN and 45ºN and between 145ºE and 147ºE.
  • The territory of the nature reserve comprises three areas: two of them are on Kunashir Island (Tyatinsky in the northern part and Alekhinsky in the southern part), the third one is on the Dyomina Islands and the Oskolki Islands.

    • Tyatinsky area is 504 square kilometers.
    • Alekhinsky area 154 square kilometers.
    • The area on the Lesser Kuril Ridge (the Dyomina Islands and the Oskolki Islands) is 1 square kilometer. The Oskolki Islands archipelago consists of the following islands: the Lisyi Islands, the Shishki Islands, and the rocks Peschernaya, Parus, Svecha and Kira.
    Terrestrial (400 square kilometers) and marine (261 square kilometers) protective zones surround the nature reserve. Buffer zone is situated along the land boundaries of both areas on Kunashir Island.

    Three parts (Rudny, Tyatinsky, Lovtsovsky, overall area of 222 square kilometers) of the buffer zone border with western, southern and eastern borders of Tyatinsky area of the nature reserve. Two parts (Stolbchaty and Sernovodsko-Golovinsky, overall area of 193 square kilometers) of the buffer zone border with north-east and south-east borders of Alekhinsky area.

    The area of terrestrial protective zones is 415 square kilometers (0.48% of Sakhalin Region).
  • The marine protective zone along the borders of Kurilsky Nature Reserve includes one-mile wide water areas:

    • northern water area (Kunashir Island): from the Cape Parsolova northwards to the Cape Vodopadny from the side of the Sea of Okhotsk and from the Cape Rogacheva northwards to the Cape Krupnoyarova in the South Kuril Strait;
    • southern water area (Kunashir Island): from the side of the Sea of Okhotsk from the Cape Paltusova northward to the Cape Znamenka in the Nemuro Strait;
    • around the Dyomina Islands and the Oskolki Islands (the Lesser Kuril Ridge).

    Malye Kurily Refuge is managed by the administration of Kurilsky Nature Reserve. Malye Kurily Refuge includes the most part of Shikotan Island and all other islands of the Lesser Kuril Ridge, besides those that are part of the nature reserve and one-mile water area surrounding them.
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    694500, Russia, Sakhalin oblast, Yuzhno-Kurilsk, ul. Zarechnaya, 5

    E-mail: kurilskiy@mail.ru